MFI Technical Service Providers Certification Program- Launched

AEMFI in partnership with internationally renowned certifying organization (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management/ILO/other) is working towards introducing Co-branded Microfinance (MFI) Technical Service Providers Certification Program with the aim to bring sustainable solutions to MFIs capacity gaps.

The certification program has officially started on November 12, 2018 in AEMFI’s training hall. Sixteen trainees from different institutions have been selected through a rigorous selection process to attend the programme.

This program is targeting to address the underlying constraint of weak technical service provision market where local TSPs lack skill and expertise to serve MFIs TA needs. Traditionally, capacity building roles has been left for donors, which are now at a declining stage (not sustainable) and not customized to specific TA needs of the MFIs as they mostly offer supply-driven supports. The certification courses include:

  • Strategy Planning and Business Modeling,
  • Product Development,
  • Risk Management,
  • Customer services & relationship management and
  • Training of Trainers

TSPs will be certified after successful completion of the standard certification module and capacity building works. Then, these certified TSPs will have market driven product packages along with clear value propositions, and engage in demand cultivation for their products. The certification program targeted individual consultants & those aspiring to be a consultant/trainer of MFIs, and MFI practitioners who have interest & potential to engage in technical services provision business for the microfinance industry.

Moreover, to complement demand cultivation works of the certified TSPs, AEMFI will facilitate business-to-business linkage between certified TSPs and MFIs in collaboration with the partners. Furthermore, MFIs are willing to allocate at least 2% of their recurrent budget to capacity building in order to meet national and institutional targets, and transform themselves. So, there will be a lucrative market of the certified TSPs. AEMFI is also planning to develop TSPs database and website in which certified TSPs profile will be posted and updated based on their engagement performance.

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